Porto Santo, 1841, ilha da Madeira
Porto Santo.
Impresso aguarelado, 9,8 x 11 cm.
Pormenor da Geo-Hydrographic Survey of the Island of Madeira and his Dependencies
Impresso sobre papel, recortado e colado em tela, 55,5 x 75,8 cm.
Escalas gráficas em milhas britânicas, náuticas e portuguesas.
Trabalho executado com pessoal do H.M.S. Stix e António Pedro de Azevedo;
Pub. em Londres sob supervisão de James Wyld, Geographer to Her Magesty, Charing Cross East, 1841.
Colecção Rui Carita, Funchal.
To Thomas Murdoch Esq.re F.R.S.F.S.A., Member of the Council of the Royal Geographical Society, This Geo-Hydrographic Survey, of the Island of Madeira, and his Dependencies, Is Respectfully Dedicated By his obliged & humble Servant James Wyld, Geographer to Her Magesty, Charing Cross East, 1841.