Oficial Engenheiro do Exército Sueco, The Swedish Army, pla. 21, Baron Frederic Eben, Londres, 1808, Museu do Exército de Estocolmo, Suécia
Oficial Engenheiro do Exército Sueco
The Swedish Army, engraved by Nicolaus Innocentius Wilhelm Clemens van Heideloff (1761-1837), texts and drawn by Baron Frederic Eben (1771-1832).
London: Rudolf Ackermann (1764-1834), 1808, pla. 21.
Exemplar do Museu do Exército de Estocolmo, Suécia.
"Remarks on the organization and present state of the Swedish Army" (p. 2-9); "Obersvations on the Swedish Army" (p. 14-29); Uniformes (29 p. e seguintes, 25 pl.)
Whole-length col. plates of the uniforms of cavalry and infantry, both officers and men. The Baron of Eben (1771-1832) was in the Peninsular War, in Portuguese Army and Nicolaus Heideloff (1761-1837), a german, who after the French revolution moved from Paris to London and started to work for Rudolf Ackermann (1764-1834).