Arquipelago de Origem:
Madeira (Região Autónoma)
Data da Peça:
1841-00-00 00:00:00
Data de Publicação:
James Wyld
Chegada ao Arquipélago:
Proprietário da Peça:
Rui Carita
Proprietário da Imagem:
Rui Carita
Autor da Imagem:
Rui Carita
Ilha da Madeira, 1841, legenda

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To Thomas Murdoch F.R.S.F.S.A., Member of the Council of the Royal Geographical Society, This Geo-Hydrographic Survey, of the Island of Madeira, and his Dependencies, Is Respectfully Dedicated By his obliged & humble Servant James Wyld, Geographer to Her Magesty, Charing Cross East, 1841.
Pormenor de 17 x 23,7 cm.
Note: This survey was taken Geometrically by the late William Johnstone Esq.r and is now republished with numerous alterations and corrections from the surveys and Astronomical Obsevations of Officers in His Majesty.s Army and Navy. To Sir J. W. Gordon Bar.t Master General of the Forces and Captain Beaufort Hydrographer to the Admiralty the Publisher tenders his thanks for de very valuable iinformation and Surveys obligingly communicated by them.
Pormenor da Geo-Hydrographic Survey of the Island of Madeira and his Dependencies.
Impresso sobre papel, recortado e colado em tela, 55,5 x 75,8 cm.
Escalas gráficas em milhas britânicas, náuticas e portuguesas.
Trabalho executado com pessoal do H.M.S. Stix e António Pedro de Azevedo (1812-1889) ;
Pub. em Londres sob supervisão de James Wyld (1812–1887), Geographer to Her Magesty, Charing Cross East, 1841.
Colecção Rui Carita, doação ao ABM/ARM, arquivos particulares, Funchal, ilha da Madeira.