Arquipelago de Origem:
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William Johnston
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Geo Hydrographic Survey of the Isle of Madeira, with Dezertas and Porto Santo islands, William Johnston, 1788, ed. Londres, 1791, Inglaterra.

    Geo Hydrographic Survey of the Isle of Madeira, with Dezertas and Porto Santo islands.
    Taken in the Year 1788

    Gravura aguarelada, 62 x 116 cm.
    William Johnston, 1788, ed. Londres, W. Faden, Geographer to the King, Jan[uar]y 1st, 1791.
    Trabalho de que existe versão aguarelada na casa-museu Dr. Frederico de Freitas, Funchal, ilha da Madeira.

    Geo-Hydrographic Survey of the Isle of Madeira with the Dezertas and Porto Santo Islands geometrically taken in the year 1788. By William Johnston Esq[ui]r[e]. This Chart drawn from actual Surveys taken with the Permission of His Excellency Don Diego Perreira Forjas Coutinho, Knight of the Order of Christ, Governor General and Commander in Chief of the Island of Madeira and Porto Santo &c. &c. &c. a discerning and liberal Promoter of every useful improvement in Science. Is respectfully dedicated To the Right Honourable John Henry Petty Earl Wycombe in testimony of the high consideration in which His Lordship is held by His Lordship's most humble and faithful humble Servant William Johnston of Madeira.