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Universidade de Khorfakkan e SAA
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Rui Carita na apresentação de aplicações das novas tecnologias a material arqueológico, Universidade de Khorfakkan, 10 de Novembro de 2024, Emirados Árabes Unidos

    Rui Carita na apresentação de aplicações das novas tecnologias a material arqueológico
    “Coastal and Underwater Cultural Heritage – Challenges and Perspectives: Sharjah’s Coasts as a Model"
    Com Dr. Antonio Espinosa-Ruiz (Valência, Espanha), comandante Alexandre Salgado (Museu de Marinha, Portugal), Dr.ª Rabia Hajila (Marrocos), Dr. Faisal Al-Jubrin do diretorado do Património do reino da Arábia Saudita e outros
    University of Khorfakkan, fotografia da SAA, November 10, 2024.
    Theatre da Universidade de Khorfakkan, emirado de Sharjah, Emirados Árabes Unidos

    The Sharjah Archaeology Authority (SAA), in collaboration with the National Institute of Archaeology and Heritage, the ASSALAM Organisation for the Protection of Maritime Heritage in Morocco, and the University of Khorfakkan, inaugurated the sixth edition of the World Coastal Forum under the theme “Coastal and Underwater Cultural Heritage – Challenges and Perspectives: Sharjah’s Coasts as a Model". The event, held on November 9-10 at the University of Khorfakkan, aims to highlight the importance of coastal and underwater cultural heritage as a historical treasure reflecting the region’s rich history and culture. Through a series of discussion sessions and research presentations, the forum addresses current challenges, explores future opportunities, and shares international experiences in heritage protection and documentation.
    With diverse international participation, the opening session featured two scientific papers from international experts. Professor Rui Carita, Emeritus Professor at the University of Madeira, Portugal, presented “Underwater Cultural Heritage in Sharjah,” which highlighted two archaeological missions conducted in Sharjah in November 2018 and December 2021. Dr. Jun Kimura, maritime archaeologist and associate professor at Tokai University in Japan, discussed Islamic maritime trade along the Silk Road, including the discovery of the “Chau Tan” shipwreck in Vietnam, as well as various preservation challenges and proposed solutions.
    In closing, Sharjah Archaeology Authority presented a special showcase of information technology, including virtual reality applications for documenting and preserving coastal and underwater heritage using the latest technological tools.